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Our Echo top ten

Echo Canyon.

Posted: December 7, 2020

It is amazing to consider the incredible things God has done.

In the fall of 2018, we launched Echo, a vision for how we could help more people find hope as we echo God’s glory father, louder and longer. Recently, we shared a series of "Echo moments" celebrating 10 things God has done through Echo over the last two years.

01 — Over the last two years, 695 people have made decisions for Jesus!

02 — We've heard many stories of life-change, including from Chris, an attendee at our Springboro Campus.

VIDEO: Watch's Chris's story

03 — In November 2019, we launched the new home of our Springboro Campus, and God answered many of our prayers about that location very specifically!

VIDEO: Watch the first Echo moment

04 — The driveway at our Northmont Campus was repaved and the parking lot at our Centerville Campus was resurfaced, providing a better experience for guests from the moment they arrive.

05 — The Worship Center at the Centerville Campus was updated with expanded seating, and production upgrades that dramatically changed our capabilities for having online worship services – updates that will make a huge difference for years to come, but were crucial during 2020.

06 — While COVID may have postponed the launch of our Beavercreek Campus, our commitment to Beavercreek is unwavering and the campus family continues to grow and develop relationships with each other and their community.

VIDEO: Watch Dennis and Lisa's Beavercreek story

VIDEO: Watch the second Echo moment

07 — We helped launch CarePortal, an online tool that connects Fairhaven and other local churches with the needs of kids and families in our community. Together, local churches have served over 600 kids in the Dayton area in the last two years!

08 — Our Kids Ministry spaces on all of our campuses have been updated to better help kids connect, learn and grow closer to Jesus and one another.

09 — We're developing influential young leaders through our residency, a 2-year program for college graduates that allows them to earn a graduate degree and gain ministry experience.

WATCH: Hear from current and former residents

10 — Nearly 2,500 of you have been financially involved in supporting the Echo initiative. Through your faithful generosity, we’re making a difference in the lives of people in ways that we couldn’t have imagined.

VIDEO: Watch the third Echo moment

Remember, our echoes don’t stop here! We encourage you to reflect on the commitment you made two years ago and help us finish strong as we look for our next right step.

Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known. (Habakkuk 3:2)

Beavercreek Campus

10:30 AM

Beavercreek High School Auditorium
2660 Dayton Xenia Rd.
Beavercreek, OH 45434

(937) 434-8627

Centerville Campus

9:00 AM, 10:30 AM

9:00 AM

637 E. Whipp Rd.
Centerville, OH 45459

(937) 434-8627

Northmont Campus

10:30 AM

5001 W. National Rd.
Clayton, OH 45315

(937) 836-1069

Springboro Campus

9:00 AM, 10:30 AM

875 W. Central Ave.
Springboro, OH 45066

(937) 353-7713

Online Campus

9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM


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